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OperaVPS guide to INstall LInux on Android devices

Install Linux on Android with Rooted and Unrooted Devices

Linux is one of the most famous and widely used operating systems worldwide, offering valuable features. As you know, Linux is an open-source and powerful operating system with a single integrated core, runs all the main services of the operating system inside itself, and is compatible with most hardware. Thanks to the advantages and features it offers, Linux is gaining more fans day by day and has become the preference of users in using PCs and servers, which has made Linux VPS one of the most demanded VPS.

With the advancement of technology, computer capabilities are provided by portable devices such as tablets or mobile phones, which you can perform various and extensive tasks with a mobile phone. You may have wished many times that you could use the capabilities of the Linux operating system for various purposes, such as using penetration testing tools, accessing the desktop environment, accessing software that is not supported by Android, using troubleshooting tools, benefiting from powering the LAMP server and using your device as a portable network on your mobile phone and tablet. This is not a wish because, as we have already talked about the compatibility of Android devices in supporting RDP connections and taught how to connect RDP with Android, modern Android devices with high-quality hardware have surpassed computers and, with their high compatibility, support installing Linux operating systems.

Android uses the Linux kernel, that’s why it offers some features and functions similar to Linux, but compared to Linux, it undoubtedly has limitations. You can install different Linux distributions on the Android device to optimize the Android device to the excellent performance and user interface of Linux.

In this article, we will teach you how to install different versions of Linux on a rooted and unrooted Android smartphone or tablet so that you can install and run Linux on Android devices and upgrade your Android device to a pocket PC with Linux features.

Thanks to OPERAVPS.COM for this guide. READ MORE....